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Skid Steer Trench Digger Attachments

Skid steers are the perfect machines for a trench digger, the impressive hydraulic power can drive the trenchers chain through some of the most difficult ground conditions on earth. Our trench diggers can be mounted on any size skid steer, and we offer free shipping on all models. Browse our top rated skid steer trench diggers today and find the perfect match for your machine.

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Digga Bigfoot Trencher Digga Bigfoot Trenchers For Skid Steer Loaders and Excavators

Digga Bigfoot Trencher for Skid Steer Loaders and Excavators

Trencher Chain Selection Guide

Tooth Every Station (TES)

Designed for standard digging conditions, light to moderately compacted, sandy, loam soils and loosely-packed gravelly soils. Typically good digging conditions.
Tooth Every Other Station (TEOS)
Tooth pattern designed to give the most production in wet, sticky conditions such as gumbo, wet clay, etc. TEOS allows the sticky soils to be discharged as it comes around the head shaft sprocket allowing the auger to pick it up and discharge spoil to the side of the trench. The TES chain has a tendency to hold the sticky soils causing build-up in the chain and loss of production.
Rock & Frost Chain 50/50: combination 50% Rock & Frost / 50% Cup Teeth (R&F)
The rock and frost chain will give the highest production in frozen ground, highly compacted soils and rock, allowing the cup teeth to pick up and clean the trench. The R&F chain is very aggressive in tough conditions, but not as productive in the lighter, normal digging conditions.
Shark tooth Chain 70/30: combination 70% Shark / 30% Cup Teeth (70/30)
The 70/30 chain should be applied in compacted soils, light frozen ground, baked hard clay, shale or rocky soils. The aggressive shark teeth will slice, break and relieve the tough soils, allowing the cup teeth to follow and clean the trench. As with the R&F chain, the 70/30 chain will not be as productive in the lighter, normal conditions as the TES chain.
Full Shark Tooth Chain (100% Shark Teeth)
The Full Shark Tooth Chain is recommended in fracturable rock, shale, caliche or conditions with little or no loose soil. This chain will not effectively clean the trench in sand, silt and high-moisture clay conditions.

Chain Widths
Available in 6", 8", 10" and 12" widths

Bradco Skid Steer Trenchers

Our tough Bradco Trenchers for Skid Steers provide the following skid steer trencher features. Fits all Skid Steers with Universal Skid Steer Quick Attach Mount. Fixed length boom with spring loaded, self adjusting idler and full rock guard. Heavy duty boom and crumber assembly with replaceable wear strips. Single side spoil augering.

Skid Steer Trencher

As with all of the skid steer attachments we carry, after using this skid steer trencher attachment on our Skid Steer, we had to carry them simply because they worked awesome when we used it to lay pipe underground! Another use for these Bradco Trenchers is to lay cable.
You can count on this Skid Steer Trencher Attachment to connect to your skid steer loader, and to make quick work of your next project. We have the Skid Steer Trencher for your Bobcat Style Skidsteer Loader. Once again, these skid steer trenchers come in Several Boom lengths and widths and a variety of tooth options.