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EA Wicked BX Root Rake Grapple EA Wicked BX Root Rake Grapple

Wicked Grapple For Kubota BX Tractors

EA Wicked BX Root Rake Grapple for Kubota BX subcompact tractors with 3 pin hitch. ONLY 150 Pounds!

Our Price: $2,356.46
Sale Price: $2,150.00
You save $206.46!

55 Inch Wicked Root Rake Grapple EA Light 55" Wicked Root Rake Grapple

Ideal for Class 1 Subcompact Tractors under 35 HP

Revolutionary EA Wicked Root Grapple Rake for Subcompact or class 1 tractors only with 1,250 lbs of lift capacity or less. Ultra Lightweight and STRONG!

Our Price: $2,995.00
Sale Price: $2,450.00
You save $545.00!

55 Inch Wicked Root Rake Grapple EA 55" Wicked Root Rake Grapple

Ideal for Subcompact & Compact Tractors under 50 HP

Revolutionary EA Wicked Root Grapple Rake for Subcompact and Compact Tractors. Ultra Lightweight and STRONG!

Our Price: $3,003.93
Sale Price: $2,600.00
You save $403.93!

60 Inch Wicked Root Rake Grapple EA 60" Wicked Root Rake Grapple

Ideal for Compact Tractors with 35-65 HP

A Revolutionary EA Wicked Root Grapple Rake weighing in at 400 Pounds of Wickedness!

Our Price: $3,990.20
Sale Price: $3,400.00
You save $590.20!

66 Inch Wicked Root Rake Grapple For Large Tractors Or Skid Steers EA 66" Wicked Root Rake Grapple

Ideal for Utility Tractors with up to 100 HP

Demand forced us to turn our Wicked Game UP to the Next Level. This NEW 66 is the King of the Wicked Grapple Rake Family. Revolutionary EA Wicked Root Grapple Rake. 660 Pounds of Wickedness!

Our Price: $5,120.17
Sale Price: $4,300.00
You save $820.17!

EA 50" Wicked Single Lid Root Grapple For Small Tractors EA 50" Wicked Single Lid Root Grapple For Small Tractors

Ideal For Subcompact and Compact Tractors up to 35 HP

50" width is perfect for Subcompact and Small Compact Tractor Loaders. This model has incredible strength without unnecessary weight. UNDER 300 Pounds!

Our Price: $2,694.81
Sale Price: $2,350.00
You save $344.81!

Single Lid Wicked Root Grapple Everything Attachments EA Single Lid Wicked Root Grapple for Compact Tractors

Ideal for Compact Tractors up to 55 HP

This root grapple features a wide single lid rather than two smaller lids featured on the dual lid models. 54", 60" 66" and 72" widths available

Compact Tractor Loader Dual Lid Wicked Root Grapple EA Wicked Root Grapple for Compact Tractors

Ideal for Compact Tractors up to 55 HP

Legendary Original Wicked Root Grapple by Everything Attachments is strong and light for compact tractor loaders. 54", 60" 66" and 72" widths available

Mega Compact Utility Tractor Wicked Root Grapple EA Wicked Root Grapple for Large Compact and Utility Tractors

Ideal for Large Compact and Utility Tractors up to 75 HP

The Wicked Root Grapple by Everything Attachments is a grapple specifically designed to be strong and light.

Single Lid Large Compact Utility Tractor Root Grapple EA Single Lid Wicked Root Grapple for Large Compact and Utility Tractors

Ideal for Large Compact and Utility Tractors up to 75 HP

The Wicked Single Lid Root Grapple by Everything Attachments is a grapple specifically designed to be strong and light.

Mega Utility Tractor Wicked Root Grapple For Large Utility Tractors and Skid Steer loaders EA Wicked Root Grapple for Utility Tractors and Skid Steers

Ideal for Utility Tractors and Skid Steer Loaders Up To 125 HP

The Wicked Root Grapple by Everything Attachments is HUNGRY.

Sub Compact BX Tractor Mini Wicked Root Grapple 33" EA Mini Skid Steer Wicked Grapple

Ideal for Subcompact Tractors up to 25 HP and Mini Skid Steer Loaders

33" Mini Wicked Root Grapple is perfect for Kubota BX Tractor Loaders and mini skid steers. This model has incredible strength without unnecessary weight. ONLY 250 pounds!

Our Price: $2,753.98
Sale Price: $2,750.00
You save $3.98!

54 Inch Lightweight Compact Tractor Rake Grapple 54 Inch TFC Compact Tractor Rake Grapple

224 lb. Compact Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included.

Our Price: $1,995.00
60 Inch Lightweight Compact Tractor Rake Grapple 60 Inch TFC Compact Tractor Rake Grapple

250 lb. Compact Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included.

Our Price: $2,235.00
64 Inch Lightweight Compact Tractor Rake Grapple 64 Inch Compact Tractor Rake Grapple

446 lb. Compact Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included.

Our Price: $2,355.00
72 Inch Lightweight Compact Tractor Rake Grapple 72 Inch Compact Tractor Rake Grapple

495 lb. Compact Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included.

Our Price: $2,565.00
60 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple 60 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple

664 lb. Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included*.

Our Price: $2,895.00
66 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple 66 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple

664 lb. Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included*.

Our Price: $3,285.00
72 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple 72 Inch Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple

858 lb. Heavy Duty Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included*.

Our Price: $3,675.00
66 Inch Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple 66 Inch Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple

728 lb. Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included*.

Our Price: $3,375.00
72 Inch Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple 72 Inch Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple

858 lb. Heavy Duty Dual Lid Tractor Rake Grapple with home delivery included*.

Our Price: $3,735.00
Compact Tractor Light Duty Grapples by TFC Tractor Loader Compact Light Duty Grapples by TFC

Light duty root grapples for compact tractors.


W R Long Open Bottom Grapple OBG-2 for compact tractor loaders W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 2 for Compact Tractor Loaders

W.R. Long OBG-2

Open Bottom Grapple 2, available in widths of 48", 56", 64", and 72 inches.

W R Long Bucket Grapple bolts on to your loader bucket WR Long Bucket Grapple

W R Long Bucket Grapple. Bolt on Grapple for your loader bucket.

W R Long Hay Grapple Universal Skid Steer Quick Attach or hitch choice W R Long Hay Grapple

W R Long Hay Grapple for your Larger Tractor Loader or Skid Steer. Free shipping within 1,000 miles!

Our Price: $5,625.76
W R Long Grapple Buckets solid bottom Scrap Grapples for Large Farm Tractor Skid Steer W R Long Grapple Bucket Scrap Grapple

W R Long Grapple Buckets, solid bottom Scrap Grapples, for Farm, Industrial & Skid Steer.

W R  Long Root Rake Brush Grapple for compact tractors up to full size W R Long Root Rake Brush Grapple

W R Long Root Rake Brush Grapple for Compact up to Full size Tractors and Skid Steers, single and dual lid models.

W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1 Full size Tractor Loader W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1

W R Long Open Bottom Grapple 1, available in 64, 72, and 80 inches, up to 3,500 lbs. capacity.

55" Wicked Adapter Teeth (set x12) 55" Wicked Adapter Teeth (set x12)

Slide on HARDOX teeth for the 55" Wicked Grapple (set x12)
These are ONLY for the grapples with the triangular gussets at the bottom
Free shipping within 1,000 Miles!

Our Price: $166.00
60" Wicked Adapter Teeth (set x14) 60" Wicked Adapter Teeth (set x14)

Slide on HARDOX teeth for the 60" Wicked Grapple (set x14)
These are ONLY for the grapples with the triangular gussets at the bottom
Free shipping within 1,000 Miles!!

Our Price: $236.00

Make your tractor WICKED

Root Rake Grapple Style Overview
*shorter lower tines*
EA Wicked Root rake grapples are the most versatile and popular grapple offerings in our lineup. Besides being surprisingly lightweight for the intended machines, our unique combination of premium material, which is Hardox AR450 steel and thick walled DOM round, structural tubing, makes EA root rake grapples incredibly strong and durable!

The dozer-like tine geometry of the rake style promotes a tractor's ability to push the serrated, laser cut tines through the ground with ease and the design keeps the load as close to your loader pivot pins as possible to MAXIMIZE lift capacity like none other.

The root rake style allows you to pull brush, vines and other debris backwards, which isn't recommended with many long bottom grapples. Besides pulling backwards, you can also pull down. Reach up and snap a limb off the tree if you feel like it.

The root rake style will easier "unload", so you can hover over the trailer, dumpster, pile, etc., open it up and whatever you've captured is gone!

Root Grapple Style Overview
*longer lower tines*
These are the ones that started it all. Legendary Wicked here. Race Car Inspired.

Because of the unique tine design, you will be able to push our unobstructed long-bottom Wicked Grapple tines through the ground.
You should be able to grab a larger pile of brush or hold multiple logs with the traditional Wicked style because you can cradle and physically fit more inside it's "mouth". You can cradle things(logs, boulders, etc) with the flat bottom and stack items on it for transport. Heck, someone used it as a saw table recently. Our superior Wicked tine design is a step above any other long bottom grapple on the market!